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Dave's Mr T page

You guys don't stop do you? You just want more and more. Well here you go my pretties.
Mostly still images from video, so don't bitch about quality cause its a paused image. Anyway, enjoi.

Daniel Parker, one hard rockin amigo
This is dan at the recent battle o bands. They didn't win. Or come second. But they are good honest.
Hobblin Hobgoblin
Richard Read. Greatest achievement - eating all the dough in Dominos Pizza in one night.
Andrew, Dale's little brother
Ha ha ha Dale's brother got on the site before Dale did. This is him kickflipping. Also note his inflatable arm.
Another pic of Finn
Finn tries his hand at trials and fails.
Competition over. It's Jim taking a shit. Highlight of the whole thing is him drinking his bacardi and coke.
Dave and his sick
Quite blurry but you get the idea.
Guess who?
Its little Jimbo back when he was a scared little year 4. It's probably because our teacher could have tried to rape him at any point.